Jungian And Archetypal

Life and Ideas of James Hillman: Volume I: The Making of a Psychologist

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Life and Ideas of James Hillman: The Making of a Psychologist

Life and Ideas of James Hillman: The Making of a Psychologist
Considered to be the world’s foremost post-Jungian thinker, James Hillman is known as the founder of archetypal psychology and the author of more than twenty books, including the bestselling title The Soul’s Code. In The Making of a Psychologist, we follow Hillman from his youth in the heyday of Atlantic City, through post-war Paris and Dublin, travels in Africa and Kashmir, and onward to Zurich and the Jung Institute, which appointed him its first director of studies in 1960. This first of a two-volume authorized biography is the result of hundreds of hours of interviews with Hillman and others over a seven-year period. Discover how Hillman’s unique psychology was forged through his life experiences and found its basis in the imagination, aesthetics, a return to the Greek pantheon, and the importance of “soul-making,” and gain a better understanding of the mind of one of the most brilliant psychologists of the twentieth century.
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African Americans and Jungian Psychology: Leaving the Shadows

African Americans and Jungian Psychology: Leaving the Shadows

African Americans and Jungian Psychology: Leaving the Shadows explores the little-known racial relationship between the African diaspora and C.G. Jung's analytical psychology. In this unique book, Fanny Brewster explores the culture of Jungian psychology in America and its often-difficult relationship with race and racism.

Beginning with an examination of how Jungian psychology initially failed to engage African Americans, and continuing to the modern use of the Shadow in language and imagery, Brewster creates space for a much broader discussion regarding race and racism in America. Using Jung's own words, Brewster establishes a timeline of Jungian perspectives on African Americans from the past to the present. She explores the European roots of analytical psychology and its racial biases, as well as the impact this has on contemporary society. The book also expands our understanding of the negative impact of racism in American psychology, beginning a dialogue and proposing how we might change our thinking and behaviors to create a twenty-first-century Jungian psychology that recognizes an American multicultural psyche and a positive African American culture.

African Americans and Jungian Psychology: Leaving the Shadows

explores the positive contributions of African culture to Jung's theories and will be essential reading for analytical psychologists, academics and students of Jungian and post-Jungian studies, African American studies, and American studies.

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Archetypal Grief: Slavery's Legacy of Intergenerational Child Loss is a powerful exploration of the intergenerational psychological effects of child loss as experienced by women held in slavery in the Americas and of its ongoing effects in contemporary society. It presents the concept of archetypal grief in African American women: cultural trauma so deeply wounding that it spans generations.

Calling on Jungian psychology as well as neuroscience and attachment theory, Fanny Brewster explores the psychological lives of enslaved women using their own narratives and those of their descendants, and discusses the stories of mothering slaves with reference to their physical and emotional experiences. The broader context of slavery and the conditions leading to the development of archetypal grief are examined, with topics including the visibility/invisibility of the African female body, the archetype of the mother, stereotypes about black women, and the significance of rites of passage. The discussion is placed in the context of contemporary America and the economic, educational, spiritual and political legacy of slavery.

Archetypal Grief

will be an important work for academics and students of Jungian and post-Jungian studies, archetypal and depth psychology, archetypal studies, feminine psychology, women's studies, the history of slavery, African American history, African diaspora studies and sociology. It will also be of interest to analytical psychologists and Jungian psychotherapists in practice and in training.

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Archetypal Artist: Reimagining Creativity and the Call to Create

Archetypal Artist: Reimagining Creativity and the Call to Create

In this thoughtful and revelatory book, Wood explores enduring and powerful theories on art, creativity, and what Jung called the "creative spirit" in order to illuminate how artists can truly understand what it means to be a creator.

By bringing together insights on creativity from some of depth psychology's most iconic thinkers, such as C.G. Jung, James Hillman, and Joseph Campbell, as well as featuring a selection of creators who have been influenced by these ideas, such as Martha Graham, Mary Oliver, Stanley Kunitz, and Ursula K. Le Guin, this book explores archetypal thought and the role of the artist in society. This unique approach emphasizes the foundational need to understand and work with the unconscious forces that underpin a creative calling, deepening our understanding of the transformational power of creativity, and the vital role of the artist in the modern world.

Acting as a touchstone for inquiries into the nature of creativity, and of the soul, this enlightening book is perfect for artists and creators of all types, as well as Jungian analysts and therapists, and academics interested in the arts, humanities, and depth psychology.

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Jungian Arts-Based Research and the Nuclear Enchantment of New Mexico

Jungian Arts-Based Research and the Nuclear Enchantment of New Mexico

Jungian Arts-Based Research and "The Nuclear Enchantment of New Mexico" provides clear, accessible and in-depth guidance both for arts-based researchers using Jung's ideas and for Jungian scholars undertaking arts-based research. The book provides a central extended example which applies the techniques described to the full text of Joel Weishaus' prose poem The Nuclear Enchantment of New Mexico, published here for the first time.

Designed as a "how-to" book, Jungian Arts-Based Research and "The Nuclear Enchantment of New Mexico" explores how Jung contributes to the new arts-based paradigm in psychic functions such as intuition, by providing an epistemology of symbols that includes the unconscious, and research strategies such as active imagination. Rowland examines Jung's The Red Book as an early example of Jungian arts-based research and demonstrates how this practice challenges the convention of the detached researcher by providing holistic knowing. Arts-based researchers will find here a psychic dimension that also manifests in transdisciplinarity, while those familiar with Jung's work will find in arts-based research ways to foster diversity for a decolonized academy.

This unique project will be essential reading for Jungian and post-Jungian academics and scholars, arts-based researchers of all backgrounds and readers interested in transdisciplinarity.

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What transformation would happen if we could combine the best of liberal politics with psychology?

Awakening our Faith in the Future investigates the avenues for creating a new branch of psychology, a transformative political psychology. In the past, political psychology has focused directly on analysis and knowledge acquisition, rather than on interventions that transform self and culture. A transformative political psychology combines the best of traditional social science with the transformative intent of clinical psychology in order to create a new political culture.

Peter T. Dunlap suggests that while liberals focus intently outside of themselves on changing the world, those with psychological interests focus much more internally on changing themselves. In this book, he argues that by combining political liberalism and psychology, and encouraging psychologists to develop cultural learning practices based on ideas of self-knowledge, there is opportunity to transform our political culture.

Divided into five parts, this book explores:

  • stories of political destiny
  • questions of development
  • opportunities for political development
  • a speculative theory of cultural evolution
  • practices of a political psychologist.
  • This scholarly text uses personal experiences and the stories of progressive political leaders as pathways for addressing political problems, making it ideal reading for professionals and students in the fields of both politics and psychology as well as for activists interested in the future of liberalism.

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    As Hogenson writes in chapter 1: "Jung's memory of the ocean passage (from Jung's memoirs, recording a voyage to America with Freud) focuses our attention on the central problem of this essay: What does it mean to lay claim to personal authority in a world where biography and autobiography have become thematic for an entire cultural discourse? How are we to comprehend authority in psychoanalysis?" So begins this exploration into the relationship between Carl Gustav Jung and Sigmund Freud, a broken friendship, which has profoundly affected 20th century thought.

    "Hogenson develops his clear argument around the themes of authority, meaning, and time. These themes are discussed in relation to such topics as silence and limit, transformation and permanence, repression and projection, death and law... His way of setting and discussing the struggle reflects a thorough and subtle understanding of the characteristic ways in which Freudians and Jungians see the world and each other." - Charles E Scott, Contemporary Psychology

    An analysis of Freud's claim to authority in the realm of the psyche, and the challenge from Jung that led to their break-up. "Bring(s) to light important elements of how Jung's philosophy emerged". - Transpersonal Review

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    Conscious Femininity: Interviews With Marion Woodman

    Conscious Femininity: Interviews With Marion Woodman

    Marion Woodman’s books have sold well over 800,000 copies, with 20 editions in 10 languages. Those already familiar with her work will value the deep passion that animates these candid discussions. For those who haven’t yet discovered her, this is an excellent place to start.

    "Candid and wide-ranging interviews dating from 1985 through 1992 illuminate Marion Woodman's unique perspective on the feminine, touching on sexuality, reativity, relationships, addictions, healing rituals and the environment."

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    C.G. Jung in the Humanities: Taking the Soul's Path

    C.G. Jung in the Humanities: Taking the Soul's Path

    C. G. Jung in the Humanities offers for the first time a comprehensive analysis of the significance of Swiss psychiatrist C.G. Jung's work to the humanities. By penetrating the secrets of the creative psyche and exploring how the individual fits into the social and psychological collective, Jung's work offers valuable contributions to cultural theory, literature, film and the arts, history, mythology, gender, politics, religious studies and even to the complex areas where the humanities and sciences border one another. As a writer of myth, alchemy, symbolism, narrative and poetics as well as on them, Jung proves a forerunner of the new holism reflected in complexity theory and emergence theory, and offers the promise of reconciling the sciences with the arts, of man with nature

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    She: Understanding Feminine Psychology

    She: Understanding Feminine Psychology

    A revised edition of a landmark work of psychology; the author uses the ancient myth of Amor and Psyche as the springboard for a brilliant, perceptive exploration of how one becomes a mature and complete woman.

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    Remembering Dionysus: Revisioning Psychology and Literature in C.G. Jung and James Hillman

    Remembering Dionysus: Revisioning Psychology and Literature in C.G. Jung and James Hillman

    Dionysus, god of dismemberment and sponsor of the lost or abandoned feminine, originates both Jungian psychology and literature in Remembering Dionysus. Characterized by spontaneity, fluid boundaries, sexuality, embodiment, wild nature, ecstasy and chaos, Dionysus is invoked in the writing of C. G. Jung and James Hillman as the dual necessity to adopt and dismiss literature for their archetypal vision of the psyche or soul. Susan Rowland describes an emerging paradigm for the twenty-first century enacting the myth of a god torn apart to be re-membered, and remembered as reborn in a great renewal of life.

    Rowland demonstrates how persons, forms of knowing and even eras that dismiss Dionysus are torn apart, and explores how Jung was Dionysian in providing his most dismembered text, The Red Book. Remembering Dionysus pursues the rough god into the Sublime in the destruction of meaning in Jung and Jacques Lacan, to a re-membering of sublime feminine creativity that offers zoe, or rebirth participating in an archetype of instinctual life. This god demands to be honoured inside our knowing and being, just as he (re)joins us to wild nature.

    This revealing book will be invigorating reading for Jungian analysts, psychotherapists, arts therapists and counsellors, as well as academics and students of analytical psychology, depth psychology, Jungian and post-Jungian studies, literary studies and ecological humanities.

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    Depth Psychology and the Digital Age

    Depth Psychology and the Digital Age

    Google "the digital age" and you'll discover it is rather broadly defined as "the present time"-when most information is available in digital form, as compared to the era before the rise of computers in the 1970s. Depth psychology is the study of the soul, first and foremost associated with uncovering and exploring the unconscious. The Greek word psyche means "butterfly," and is linked to the Greek anemos, meaning "wind" or "breath," as well as "soul" and "spirit"-all concepts that seem distinctly unrelated to technology, yet this diverse and compelling collection of depth psychological insights quickly reveals the archetypal aspects at work on all of us in the depths of the digital age. For one of the founders of modern depth psychology, Carl Gustav Jung, who was born in 1875 and died in 1961, the "digital age" remained in potentia, but even more than half a century ago, he had significant concerns about the challenges of a growing mind/matter split and the excessive focus of western cultures in particular on science, technology, and rational thinking. Jung believed this trend toward "modernity" emerged at the expense of more soulful, reflective, poetic ways of being and issued a strong caution against our increasing reliance on machines and technology. He warned of severe consequences that might ultimately propel our civilization toward collapse, unless modernity could be adequately acknowledged and dealt with from a psychological view. The rapid growth of technology in recent decades, combined with what is arguably a decided lack of psychological context around it, has contributed intensively to concerns for some regarding the speed and quantity of information we and our capacity to navigate such a tsunami of data. Technology has profoundly amplified the speed and efficiency at which we accomplish certain tasks, but at the same time has served to expedite the very pace of our lives, leaving us with little time for reflection and reconnection with things of the soul. Technology alone will never be that thing that enlivens us, enforces our sense of soul in a fast-moving world, and roots us in something which is inherently already there. With the proliferation of digital advances in an increasingly globalized culture, we tend to take "technologies" lightly, without giving them their proper ritual due. In earth-based cultures, "technologies of the sacred" have always encompassed ceremonies, invocations, and rites that created containers in which something very special could occur. Shamanism was only practiced within the proper context by individuals who were designated and prepared to enter sacred space. Over time as the ritual has been lost, the container has also crumbled, and technology is no longer wielded in sacred space but rather is used haphazardly by virtually all members of our society. What is asked for is that we re-boot our understanding of the psychological and soulful aspects of technology in order to adopt a new way of being in a digital world. Social media, video gaming, virtual reality, digital media, screen time, mobile devices, electronic music, "smart" technology, and electronic waste are all everyday imperatives in our current culture, and will continue to be future realities for decades, if not centuries, to come. While the digital age will always produce consternation, scintillation, and debate, no matter the pace of growth or decline, the essays and themes that appear in this collection are timeless, tapping into underlying ideas that can offer context and meaning for generations to come. The authors in this anthology proffer a chance to redeem ourselves, to re-invent our relationship to the digital age and re-infuse these sacred tools with meaning and soul. The details of our technologies may morph, but the contents of this volume are profoundly archetypal, offering patterns upon which we may predicate our own relationship to the depths and breadths of the digital age

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    CG Jung A Biography in Books

    CG Jung A Biography in Books

    In 1912, C. G. Jung wrote, "Should it happen that all traditions in the world were cut off with a single blow, the whole mythology and history of religion would start over again with the succeeding generation."With this, Jung gave new understanding to the concept of world literature: that the history of human thought lay in the soul, passed from generation to generation, always ready to reemerge.

    This book shows how Jung's theory evolved through classics of Western literature, annotated books from his library, manuscripts of his Black Books and The Red Book, other major works in which he attempted to translate insights from The Red Book for a scientific public, the Gnostic and alchemical texts he studied and presented as parallels to his psychology of the unconscious, and Eastern texts he presented in collaboration with leading scholars, establishing a cross-cultural psychology of the process of higher development.

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    Psychology's Dream of the Courtroom

    Psychology's Dream of the Courtroom

    Psychology and the law have long maintained a collegial association with one another as adjacent disciplines. In the criminal justice system, for example, psychologists and psychiatrists serve regularly as expert witnesses, providing insight into the motivations and mental status of accused and convicted persons. But what about the reverse of this relation? What contribution has "the law" made to the work of analyst and patient in the consulting room? And what insights may be drawn from putting psychology itself on trial? In this ground-breaking book, the use of legal metaphors and the courtroom analogy by Freud, Jung, and psychology more generally are examined in relation to the practice psychotherapy and analysis. In this way, psychoanalysis and analytical psychology are shown in fresh perspective to be disciplines of truth in the spirit of a trial or court proceeding.

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    Relationship Between CG Jung and Erich Neumann Based on Their Correspondence

    Relationship Between CG Jung and Erich Neumann Based on Their Correspondence

    With the rise of Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist Party in Germany, Erich Neumann, who had just finished his medical studies, was forbidden, as were all his Jewish colleagues, from completing his final practicum year and obtaining his medical degree. He took his small family and left Germany in 1933 to work with C. G. Jung in Switzerland. In 1934, young Micha and his mother immigrated to Palestine, and Erich followed them several months later. He established himself as a Jungian analyst and began writing in German about his Jewish experience and Jungian ideas, while keeping up a lifelong correspondence with Jung.
    Micha Neumann, himself a psychiatrist, offers us a personal glimpse into the complicated relationship between his father, Erich Neumann, and C. G. Jung. Whereas Freud was the elder in his relationship with Jung, in the relationship between Jung and Erich Neumann, Jung was the elder.
    Micha Neumann, who learned of the letters only after both his parents were gone, comments: "I remember how my father spoke about Jung, whom he adored and loved. When I read the correspondence between them, I could compare the father-son relationship between Jung and Neumann, which was very fruitful and positive, where Freud's attitude toward his young disciple Jung was negative and castrating."
    Based on the letters of Jung and Neumann, which have been recently published, along with the impressions Micha Neumann gleaned from his parents, this book provides a framework for this correspondence and provides additional insight into a rich, personal dimension of their complicated relationship.

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    On Psychological and Visionary Art: Notes from C. G. Jung's Lecture on Gerard de Nerval's "Aurelia"

    On Psychological and Visionary Art: Notes from C. G. Jung's Lecture on Gerard de Nerval's "Aurelia"

    The first English translation of Jung's landmark lecture on Nerval's hallucinatory memoir

    In 1945, at the end of the Second World War and after a long illness, C. G. Jung delivered a lecture in Zürich on the French Romantic poet Gérard de Nerval. The lecture focused on Nerval's visionary memoir, Aurélia, which the poet wrote in an ambivalent attempt to emerge from madness. Published here for the first time, Jung's lecture is both a cautionary psychological tale and a validation of Nerval's visionary experience as a genuine encounter.

    Nerval explored the irrational with lucidity and exquisite craft. He privileged the subjective imagination as a way of fathoming the divine to reconnect with what the Romantics called the life principle. During the years of his greatest creativity, he suffered from madness and was institutionalized eight times. Contrasting an orthodox psychoanalytic interpretation with his own synthetic approach to the unconscious, Jung explains why Nerval was unable to make use of his visionary experiences in his own life. At the same time, Jung emphasizes the validity of Nerval's visions, differentiating the psychology of a work of art from the psychology of the artist. The lecture suggests how Jung's own experiments with active imagination influenced his reading of Nerval's Aurélia as a parallel text to his own Red Book.

    With Craig Stephenson's authoritative introduction, Richard Sieburth's award-winning translation of Aurélia, and Alfred Kubin's haunting illustrations to the text, and featuring Jung's reading marginalia, preliminary notes, and revisions to a 1942 lecture, On Psychological and Visionary Art documents the stages of Jung's creative process as he responds to an essential Romantic text.

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    Conversing with James Hillman City & Soul

    Conversing with James Hillman City & Soul

    We might begin by asking why did James Hillman talk and write enough about the city to fill an entire volume, City & Soul, of his Uniform Edition? [In] America in the late twentieth century we had grown careless and had allowed so many of our major metropolises to fall into decline. One of the unique contributions to Western civilization that the city-state of Athens made in the classic era was appreciation for the cohesion of the city. . . .[We] kept reimagining what a city, a lively one could be. We reminded ourselves that it was indeed possible to bring back the bustling energy that had fled the center. . . . Not only does James Hillman have much to add to the knowledge of the experience of life in the city, but he also leaves us with much to further question. My hope is that this new book, Conversing with James Hillman, will provide that opportunity for readers. - Joanne H. Stroud From the James Hillman Symposium held at The Dallas Instititue of Humanities and Culture on his book City & Soul - Hillman's writings on the psychology of public affairs: urbanism, environmental aesthetics, citizenship, and politics. The essays and talks divide into four groups: Patient as Citizen; Politics of Beauty; Places of Practice; and Responsive Environmentalism. (color images of the symposium) Conversing with James Hillman includes works by: James Hillman, Gustavo Barcellos, Gustavo Beck, Scott Becker, Tom Cheetham, Matthew Green, Nor Hall, Jonathan Harrell, Sarah Jackson, Robert Leaver, Klaus Ottmann, Robert Romanyshyn, Cheryl Sanders-Sardello, Robert Sardello, Randolph Severson, Dennis Slattery, Joanne H. Stroud, Rodney Teague, and Gail Thomas.

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    Europe's Many Souls: Exploring Cultural Complexes and Identities

    Europe's Many Souls: Exploring Cultural Complexes and Identities

    What is going on in Europe? In this book a number of outstanding Jungian Analysts explore the Cultural Complexes and Identities of their European homelands and nations. This is a new approach to old questions: What makes a people feel at home? How do their traditions and narratives form a cultural Self and identity? How do they differ from one another? Exploring cultural complexes as a part of answering these important questions requires knowledge of history, economics, sociology, anthropology, geography, psychology, religious studies, literature and poetry. But as every complex is built around an emotional core, the study of how cultural complexes live in the psyche is not limited to these disciplines. Each author and reader engages in a confrontation with their emotions, prejudices, and projections. The shape that the ideas and feelings of a cultural complex take in the psyche can be inchoate, rapidly shifting and yet paradoxically long standing, and often quite immune and impermeable to the reason that traditional disciplines of thought would impose on them. These cultural complexes do not necessarily provide a coherent or linear sequencing of facts and events because that is not how they actually exist and function in the psyche of individuals and groups. At the same time, cultural complexes shape what it means to be a citizen of a particular city, region, or country of Europe. They contribute to Europe's Many Souls.

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    Spring 92, Eranos: Its Magical Past and Alluring Future, The Spirit of a Wondrous Place

    Spring 92, Eranos: Its Magical Past and Alluring Future, The Spirit of a Wondrous Place

    Spring is delighted to publish this special issue on Eranos, founded in Ascona, Switzerland by Olga Frobe-Kapteyn in 1933. Spring has had a longing-standing connection to Eranos, and has published through the decades articles by many of the key figures who presented at the Eranos conferences, including works by C. G. Jung, Karl Kerenyi, Mircea Eliade, Heinrich Zimmer, Erich Neumann, Henry Corbin, Adolf Portmann, Alfred Ziegler, Gilbert Durand, James Hillman, Rudolf Ritsema, David Miller, and Wolfgang Giegerich. Eranos's pioneering endeavor of interdisciplinary conferences has been properly recognized as "one of the most creative cultural experiences in the modern Western world" and "one of the richest centers of intellectual and spiritual interchange known to our century." Its influence has been documented in a number of fields of knowledge ranging from psychology to the history of religions, from philosophy to Eastern studies, from theology to anthropology, and from biology to physics. Many of the talks given at Eranos shaped the works of some of most influential scholars of the twentieth century. Moreover, the Eranos Archive for Research in Symbolism served as the iconographic support for fundamental studies in Jungian thought and psychology. Despite the enormous amount of intellectual work, thus far only three journals have published special issues dedicated to Eranos. There has been, in fact, a singular lack of balance between Eranos's cultural importance and the attention paid to it in scholarly literature. Ultimately, even without gathering strictly historiographical works on the topic, this issue of Spring is meant to propose a reflection and a discussion on Eranos from various points of view. A first series of contributions, gathered under the title, "The Eranos Phenomenon," mainly offers an interpretation of Eranos from a historical perspective. A second series of essays, "Eranos and the Psychological Tradition," deal with Eranos's contribution to Jung's thought and then to the development of analytical psychology. The third section, "Eranos and the Idea of the Sacred," gathers a series of articles that deal with Eranos's view of the religious issues and the study of the sacred. A fourth group of articles deal with the "Philosophical Perspectives of Eranos." Lastly, a fifth series of writings, "Eranos and the Unity of Psyche and Matter," delve into Eranos's contribution to the dialogue between human sciences and natural sciences as well as between the theoretical speculation and the need for concrete answers to some crucial problems of the world we are living. This issue of Spring also includes an ample iconographic section with more than fifty photographs from the Eranos Foundation Archives, many never before published. They are products of Eranos photographers Margarita Marianne (Margarethe) Fellerer (1886- 1961), Tim N. Gidal (1909-1996), and Luciano Soave. The volume closes with a bibliographical appendix comprising a list of the Eranos Yearbooks (1933-2014) and of the Eranos Round Table Sessions (1990-2002), as well as of the proceedings of the Associazione Amici di Eranos (1990-2012) and of the Verein zur Forderung der wissenschaftlichen Tagungen von Eranos (2001-2014)."

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    From Tradition to Innovation: Jungian Analysts Working in Different Cultural Settings Clin W16

    From Tradition to Innovation: Jungian Analysts Working in Different Cultural Settings Clin W16

    This compilation of sixteen chapters gives a fascinating account of the wide variety of experiences of Jungian analysts working in different cultures across the world - for example in Russia, China, Poland, Lithuania, South Africa and Mexico. The contributors describe and reflect on their experiences both of offering and receiving training within these cross-cultural professional partnerships. The book shows the expansion of distance learning models in analytical psychology, in particular in so-called "shuttle" programs which have been developed by analysts travelling widely over the past 20 years under the auspices of the International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP). The authors give detailed accounts from both sides of the mutual encounters and challenges between different cultures, often coloured by recent history including social trauma. This is a book not only about training but is also an enlightening cultural commentary for our times. The powerful bi-directionality of cultural influence and discovery is apparent in different ways in every chapter. By locating new training programs not in long-established institutions but within developing groups in other cultures, traditional models of training have been challenged by different therapeutic environments. Often this has led to imaginative, innovative ways of learning - as vividly detailed in the chapters. It also prompts a necessary re-appraisal of which concepts feel to be essential to the core values of our Jungian practice and which show an outdated adherence to culture-bound attitudes. The publication of this book is a timely reminder that when psychoanalysis and Jungian analysis as we know it is floundering in some Western countries, new projects in countries seeking to develop an analytic culture give hope for sustaining our professional practice. This book contains the voices of both seasoned and recently qualified analysts; well-known and new authors. The contributors come from nine countries including Russia, Poland, Israel, the UK, the USA, Lithuania, Germany, Switzerland and Italy.

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    Jung in the Academy and Beyond The Fordham Lectures 100 Years Later

    Jung in the Academy and Beyond The Fordham Lectures 100 Years Later

    C. G. Jung delivered a ground-breaking and influential series of lectures at Fordham University in 1912. In many ways, the lectures laid out the future development of his work as well as his movement away from Freud. Fordham University, in collaboration with the Jungian Psychoanalytic Association of New York, honored the 1912 Jung lectures with a conference that sought to locate Jung in the Academy and beyond-in the years when the lectures were delivered and published, in today's academic and clinical world, and into the future, with speculations and insights into the trends of psychological and scientific research and understanding. This book is an expanded proceedings of this conference, and gives us hope-hope that Jungian thought is alive in the Academy, where both will find enrichment, hope that the misunderstandings and old wounds within the depth psychological world may finally be healed, and hope for even more fruitful conversation among current scientific explorations, theological reflections, political concerns, and analytical psychology.

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    Jungian Odyssey Series Volume VII 2014 the Crucible of Failure

    Jungian Odyssey Series Volume VII 2014 the Crucible of Failure

    This volume ensues from the 9th Jungian Odyssey retreat, inspired by Grindelwald, a village lying in a green hollow high within the Bernese Alps. As training analysts and scholarly guests of the International School of Analytical Psychology, the authors address students, clinicians, and all others with interest in C.G. Jung. The (in)famous trio of mountains that commands the historic retreat locale could tell of climbers who risked their lives ascending to formidable heights-some to successful ends and others failing tragically. Grindelwald itself became a literal cauldron of violent change in 1892, when it was nearly decimated by fire. Invoking the genius loci, Polly Young-Eisendrath proposes, "Our inherent brokenness provides a primary way to embrace our imperfect species and the imperfect world on which we depend." The authors generally agree that, as a collective, we are bent on Icarus-like heights, prone to follow the hubristic ego. How might we learn to renunciate success? For all the shame involved, can we grasp failure as the need for a paradigm shift? Explorations ensue from case work in the analytic consulting room, from field work with refugees, from history, myth, fairy tale, and even mountaineering itself. Ultimately readers of this volume are invited to consider that, "life has to be undone, and one often gets to truth through error. . . . So be human, seek understanding, seek insight . . ." -C.G. Jung

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    Labyrinth of Possibility: A Therapeutic Factor in Analytical Practice, Kalsched forward

    Labyrinth of Possibility: A Therapeutic Factor in Analytical Practice, Kalsched forward

    This book proposes a model that aims to capture what happens between analyst and patient when a therapeutic relationship is effective. It outlines a series of insights that have led to the emergence of the subject in question, via analysis of the image of the labyrinth from historical point of view.

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    Spring 91 Fall 2014 Women's Voices

    Spring 91 Fall 2014 Women's Voices

    The inspiration for this volume was the most recent book written by American writer, naturalist, and environmental activist Terry Tempest Williams and entitled When Women Were Birds: Fifty-four Variations on Voice. We are very honored that Terry Tempest Williams herself agreed to be interviewed for this volume. Her interview comes first and sets the tone for the articles that follow, as she explores in detail issues related to voice that were discussed in When Women Were Birds. Contained within this volume are articles that deal with the psychological issues that arise when women attempt to express themselves, the obstacles faced, the obstacles overcome (or not), the creativity that may released. Included are both clinical articles, as well as personal and more academic papers. In When Women Were Birds, Terry Tempest Williams asks, "What needs to be counted on to have a voice? Courage. Anger. Love. Something to say; someone to listen." The sixteen contributors to this volume recognize and demonstrate, directly or indirectly, the truth of Terry Tempest Williams' observation. They come from different places and from different backgrounds. They are writers, poets, teachers, analysts, educators, and theorists. Their writing styles vary accordingly, yet their works share similar themes, from the deeply personal to the cultural and historical, from the literary to the mythological and spiritual. Terry Tempest Williams' statement also implies a necessary bond between speaker and listener, or as in this case, author and reader, and it is our hope that this Women's Voices issue of Spring will encourage such a mutually inspired relationship.

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